What are Braces?

Braces are used by your orthodontist to help you improve the look and feel of your smile! They are made up of brackets, which are attached directly to your teeth, and wires, which link all of the brackets together. Your orthodontist will use your braces to gently guide your teeth into their ideal positions over the course of several months to a year (the length of time varies for each unique case). There are several different types of braces to choose from, including:

  • Ceramic braces
  • Lingual brace
  • Traditional metal braces

If you are looking for an option besides braces, ask us about Invisalign® clear aligners.

#  How Long Do I Have To Wear?

Every smile responds differently to a treatment. Treatment times can take anywhere between 6 to 30 months; however, most standard treatments take about 22 months.

#  Do Braces Hurt?

Braces are not supposed to hurt; however, you may feel a small amount of discomfort for a couple of days as your teeth, gums, cheeks, and mouth gets used to your new braces. When you first get your braces installed, we will give you some ideas for managing soreness that may occur.

#  Do I Still Need To Visit Dentist While On Braces?

Yes! In fact, it’s even more important that patients receiving orthodontic treatment visit their dentist regularly. With braces, food may be caught in places that your toothbrush can’t reach. This causes bacteria to build up and can lead to cavities or gum disease. Your dentist will work closely with your orthodontist to make sure that your teeth stay clean and healthy while wearing braces.

Dental Implants at Floss And Gloss :

If you would like to learn more about a dental implant or if you would like to schedule a no-obligation consultation, Call us today at +91 7986 776 678 or Book Us.